If you know of a Community or Blog that should be listed here, don't hesitate to send us an email so that we can complete our list.
SLBuzz.com | English SL community with features like Profiles, Blogs, Snapshots and Statistics. |
SLProfiles.com | SL Community for meeting the real 1st life people of Second Life. |
SLTutorials.net | Providing Second Life Tutorials, Tipps and Tricks. |
SLinfo.de | The biggest german-speaking Second Life community. |
SLinside.com | German Second Life Portal and Community. |
Official SL Blog | Official Second Life Blog, James Wagner Au's Notes from a new world. |
Reuters | Reuters Second Life Blog and Community. |
Pixelwear | Small episodes from a Fashion Designer. |
SL Herald | Second Life Newspaper |
SecondCast.com | A weekly Second Life Podcast. |
List updated on 18 June 2007